An Easter Spirituality: Lent 2025

 Resurrection, Transformation, Fulness of Life, Salvation

Summary of the series:  Transformation

  1. Change our perspective.
  2. Change our thinking
  3. Change our relationship with God
  4. Change our sense of direction
  5. Change our idea of the Kin’dom
  6. Change the way we live.

Week 1.  Change our perspective

  1. Begin our reflections with Easter
  2. Our deepest desires
  3. A larger life
  4. Understanding the universe and ourselves
  5. Interiority and focus on the subject in action
  1. Begin our reflections with Easter

We focus on Easter rather than suffering and death. The first Easter was the revelation of Big Life.

In the aftermath of his death, Jesus’ followers experienced an awareness of a very different world. It was not that the world around them changed but they changed. Jesus did not physically come through walls but he did break through the walls of their minds and limited horizons. Suddenly, they were conscious of a much larger universe of life. They no longer saw human death as the end or boundary of life. It is not so much that Jesus came into their lives as that they came into Jesus’ life. Jesus’ life was characterised by his awareness of his relationship to God, whom he referred to as Father. His personal (mental or psychological horizon reached out to God, express in anthropomorphic terms. We are open to using different language.