South Australian Catholics for an Evolving Church
Our Vision
We strive to be a Church actively reading the signs of the times,
proclaiming Gospel values for contemporary life.
Our natural orientation is towards a Church and
a broader community that is creating a better world,
one where people on the margins are afforded
equality in dignity, justice and fairness.
Catholic social and environmental teachings are our guides.
Jesus is our centre.
We will be a Church where everyone finds a place:
Eucharistic communities are open and welcoming;
our spirituality is enhanced by opportunities for
vibrant liturgical celebrations
based on the reality of our lives.
Prayer and reflection take on diverse forms,
drawing on the rich Christian practices that have enhanced
the faith of Catholics throughout history.
We seek to create opportunities for a more dynamic community,
a community of disciples in which leadership is shared and
where ministry is open to all regardless of
colour, gender, sexual orientation and class.
We seek to grow a Church that is collaborative and inclusive of our
social and cultural diversity,
attentive to serving the needs of our world,
especially with and alongside those who are in any way living with poverty.
Our Aims
We seek to:
- Model the Church we seek to be;
- Give voice to the experience, aspirations and convictions of Catholics seeking renewal;
- Promote the participation of all Catholics in the decision-making processes of the Church;
- Advocate as a discipleship of equals, for women to achieve full participation in all the ministries, services and decision-making processes in our Church;
- Encourage and facilitate wide participation in council processes and assemblies and future outcomes;
- Press for good governance through accountability, transparency and inclusion throughout the Church;
- Identify and promote models of Church that reflect Gospel values and are appropriate for 21st century Australia and an evolving Church.
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul. Firm and secure. (Heb 6:19)
A grown-up, effective and accountable Church requires
mature, responsible and engaged Catholics

Our Focus
Our focus is on justice and care, integrity and compassion, relationships and respect for people.
Our communities are grounded in our love for one another.
SACEC Reference Group
Andrea Bassan Patrick Carey John Haren Jennifer Harvey Annette and Geoff Jarrett Bernadette Kerr
Tony Roach